Sheep At The County Fair, originally uploaded by kahala.
Come Celebrate the Wayne County Fair’s 65th year, August 10th-13th where country meets city in Belleville, MI. Run by an all volunteer board, the fair has an array of exciting events sure to include something for everyone and free gate giveaways everyday for the 1st 50 children 12 and under. Monster Truck rides daily will provide great fun for all ages at $5 per person.
The Wayne County Fair Association was established in 1946 and the objective has been to promote and advance the interest of agriculture, horticulture, household arts and develop youth education through 4-H projects, training and demonstrations. Throughout the week of Fair, the 4-H youth will show and exhibit their animals and other projects. Their week at fair will include caring for their animals, answering visitor’s questions and participating in a livestock auction where they can sell their animals. This year the Wayne County Fair will be “Going Green” with a $24,000 grant sponsored by the Michigan Soybean Council for the Green Fair Project. This grant will help with much needed improvements and repairs through the use of soybean based products such as insulation, paint, printing products, roofing, and cleaning products. The fair hopes to incorporate many more green projects for educational and practical uses throughout the fairgrounds. The Wayne County Fair is grateful for being one of the 7 county fairs selected to receive this grant.
The fun begins on Wednesday, August 10th with Family Day with $1 Parking and plenty of activities for the whole family. Animal shows, kid’s games provided by Belleville Rotary, and carnival rides with $10 pay one price or $1 rides (starting at 4:00). The night tops off with the Off Road Enduro Figure 8 Races with $5 admittance (4 and under free for all arena events). Thursday’s activities include Animal Shows, Carnival ($12 pay one price), and the Mighty Monster & Tough Truck Show which is sure to be the evening highlight at 7pm with $10 admittance. Friday is Romulus Days with the Romulus Rotary sponsoring games & contests, Carnival ($15 pay one price), followed by our Night of Destruction including Demolition Derby, Quad Drag, Burnout Contest, and Garden Tractor Demo Derby.
To close out our week of fun, on Saturday we invite you to the amazing Junk Yard Dogs Fly Ball Exhibition starting at 2:00, and the fabulously fun Mud Bog Exhibition. Excitement starts at 7:00 with $10 admittance.
The Wayne County Fair Association provides many other services and activities throughout the year for the public. We have a beautiful campground close to many local attractions such as Greenfield Village and Museum, Yankee Air Force Museum, and several popular shopping centers. We also provide building and grounds rentals appropriate for many activities. Many other youth activities, such as Project Red, provide continuing education through agriculture.
For more information please contact us at 734-697-7002 or check our website waynecountyfairgrounds.net. We hope you can join us for all the fun at this year’s WAYNE COUNTY FAIR!!