Sarah first contacted Mercy Partners through their website with her hope of a benefit concert to aid the people they serve. Tom, a visual artist, stated “Ironically, the name of her concert “With One Voice” was in line with the thought I had originally had when I sculpted the monument that I had entitled “One.” Her artistic temperament, coupled with the ambition that one person could really make a difference, harmonized with my belief that each individual has an opportunity to change the world if we get off the soapbox of ‘awareness’ and become ‘active’.”
The artists uniting their voices for the benefit concert include: Rufus Harris, Rockisha, Laura McCandliss, Mick Ives, Lakietha Perry, Sean Flatley, Theresa Dalton, Carrie Dalton and Sarah Dalton.
This concert will be held on Sunday, October 23rd
from 4 pm – 7 pm
at AJs Music Café,
240 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220
The majority of the $5 cover charge will be donated to Mercy Partners. All of the musicians, poets, sound crew, etc. are participating on a volunteer basis. Additional donations will also be accepted that evening, or go to www.mercy-partners.org
This year 100% of the funds donated will go directly to medicine, inoculations and treatments. Diseases that we have conquered long ago such as Yellow Fever, Malaria and Typhoid are still alive and well In Darfur, South Sudan and the Rift Valley. The needs are great and any amount is truly put to use in a powerful way. Last April in the village of Gudele, Mercy Partners treated up to 84 people for as little as $300 USD – That’s only $3.50 per person! That is cheaper than a latte! Yet, it goes a long way towards peoples’ survival. For more information about the organization, or to donate, go to www.mercy-partners.org