Meet the Burger Brothers: Old friends hunting for the best Metro Detroit burger

When I began my hunt for the very best burger in Metro Detroit, I never suspected I was alone in my love for a good cheeseburger.

I also never expected to encounter a group of people on the exact same mission as myself.

Since Burger Breakdown began in late 2023, alongside my former co-worker Carmichael Cruz, I’ve received countless messages from readers. Some offered recommendations for their favorite burgers, others offered their opinions about how my opinions were incorrect. (I get it, burgers are personal.)

But one particular email from a John Winnicker caught my attention. The opening line: “I am part of a group dubbed ‘the Burger Brothers.’”

You don’t see a dedication to burgers like that every day. So, of course, I had to hear his story.

For article, click below:

Source: Meet the Burger Brothers: Old friends hunting for the best Metro Detroit burger

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