- Program will focus on nonprofits that promote “community information and democratic engagement”
- Initiative has assisted 26 local nonprofits with making organizational improvements
- Nine nonprofits to participate in latest version of the program
Recipients of the latest grants, totaling $125,000 through the capacity-building effort, along with the Community Foundation’s description of the purpose of the grants:
- Allied Media Inc., for its Detroit Community Technology Project to participate in a multi-day training retreat and receive long-term coaching, and to sponsor a management skills training session for four staff members.
- College for Creative Studies, for Design Core Detroit staff to receive storytelling training and to participate in the Racial Equity Institute’s racial equity training.
- The Center for Michigan Inc., for staff to attend three journalism conferences and training intensives.
- CitizenDetroit Action Group, for staff to receive facilitation and organizational management trainings.
- Detroit Future City, for training and project-based learning opportunities through Wayne State University’s Center for the Study of Citizenship.
- Doing Development Differently in Metro Detroit, for a study trip to Atlanta, focused on innovative community benefit agreement policies and Adobe Suite training.
- Global Detroit, for staff training with the Racial Equity Institute.
- Mary Turner Center for Advocacy, for board members, staff and resident leaders to attend Environmental Justice Academy and Housing Justice Academy programs.
- Michigan Community Resources, for staff training with the Racial Equity Institute and facilitator training for three staff members.
The three-year commitment, announced Monday, builds on initial support in 2013 that stemmed from a $5.75 million investment in the economic revitalization of Detroit, according to a news release.
In the program’s first round, the Knight Foundation originally committed $250,000 in 2013, but upped its commitment to $400,000 due to the volume and quality of the applications, according to Katie Brisson, vice president, program, at the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.
Read the article below:
Source: Knight Foundation commits $714,000 to expanding capacity-building program for Detroit nonprofits